Why are we doing this?
Seeing people who travel on motorcycles, you subconsciously or consciously ask yourself the question: who they are, from where they are coming and where they are going, why on a motorcycle, why not to go by a car, for safety reasons, with comfort and all amenities? But it is not just an interest - in these moments you kindly envy them, though you do not often deliberately realize it or chase those thoughts away.
Behind the wheel of the motorcycle sitting the same people, just like you, but they do not suppress their interest in travel, adventure, new emotions and freedom of movement, and delve into the world of motorcycle traveling.
Sunset sky, drifting over the horizon, refreshing, but still warm wind, rolling, bass sound of the engine and a winding thread of a road – that is how an inexperienced people imagine the motorcycle travel. But we, motorcycle tourists, leaving annually behind us many thousand kilometers, embraced and fell in love with the other side of the coin: prolonged rainfall and forced night wanderings in search of a gas station, because the previous two were closed, and the sand, flying for tens of meters behind trucks on the hot southern roads.
Consciously accepting both sides, and dealing with the vagaries of the weather, technical and everyday difficulties, we are filling our journey with bright events and incomparable impressions, awareness of the unity with the nature and road. We are always open to free chat with other tourists and locals, who are often also interested in exchanging some words with such unusual companions.
Another amazing feature of the motorснсду travel, which many do not realize, is an opportunity to be alone with oneself at least for a short time. Modern lifestyle leaves little room for such a possibility to a man. During a motorcycle tour, staying in the saddle for a few hours, there is a time to reflect on the thoughts and ideas, which in any other moments you do not have time or the moment was not appropriate or the thoughts seemed to be too naive or unfounded. Driving a long way is like falling into a state of trance, your consciousness is temporarily freed from routine and formulaic thinking, freeing up space to something new.
After overcoming a long distance, and reaching, finally, the purpose of your trip, you will come home renewed and recalling only the positive aspects of your journey: the brightest and incredible color of the sunset sky, the beauty of places that you have visited, saturation and richness of the evening meetings with friends with whom you have had the luck to overcome this road.
All motor tourists have passion of discoverers and researchers - a thirst for life and love of adventure, curiosity, and a genuine interest in everything new.
We invite you to our world that will leave no one indifferent!