Recently we purchased new Vogue 900. Now we're thinking how to use it best in the coming season.
'The "hawkish" wing of the RMT guides suggests sending him immediately to the Pamirs for tough test ride. But we are hesitant with that idea, as risks are high.
We do not know how he will show himself, he has proximity sensors in the mirrors from behind, levers are different from BMW. Break pads, chain and stars, tires are same with BMW F850GS, but still many details are different.
It is reasonable to give it to someone who will definitely not fall, so as not to be without spare parts in the mountains far away from dealers. That means giving it to one of our guides.
The “conservative” wing suggests leaving it in Moscow for weekend tours around, or sending it to Altai or Dagestan Mountains, so that the motorcycle is used in more or less light conditions. Not so far from dealers, and it is under warranty, in the Pamir Mountains if we serve it in the garage the warranty will go away.
So far we do not have certain decision, will decide in the near future. We'll probably leave it in Moscow or somewhere nearby. At the end of the season, we will write a report / review about him, how he will show himself.
First impressions are good.