Our second endure training in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) took place on the 8-12th of Apil. This time we had our largest group ever – 10 participants, most of them were Harley Davidson riders. It seems that with the premier of new Pan America many HD riders decided to learn how to ride off-road or improve their riding skills. Fot us there is no difference which bike you ride, we are glad to teach all and HD is not an exception.
Weather was still not like it is used to be. In last years at that time we walked in t-shirts, this year April was cold and rainy. Average temperature was +8-10 degrees with rains almost every day. Still for read adventure riders weather is not a problem. And we say big Thank You for all participants of the training, for positive attitude, jokes and fun we had together.
Below are some photos, next trainings will take place in October 2021, and after in Spring 2022. Join us to improve your riding skills before or after the season.