In June we moved part of our fleet to Novosibirsk for the Altai Mountains Tour. Every year we do 6-7 tours from end of June till end of August, so we did this year.
Altai Mountains are locared in the hear of Siberia, near Mongolia and Kazakhstan. This area is very picturesque, here is located Chuya Highway, one of the most beautiful paved roads in the world. But despite Chuya road there are many other places of interest in that area - Katu-Yaryk Pass, Chulishman Valley, Teletskoe Lake (small Baikal how it is called in Russia), mountain lakes and fantastic mountains, different and colourful.
This tour is 2000 km long, with 200 km gravel roads, but most photos are from gravel segments...))
Our first group of 2021 had 8 riders and several passenger, 10 people + 2 guides from RMT.
Below are some photos, enjoy watching and join us next year for that tour. Novosibirsk is 4 hours from Moscow, there arae many connecting fligts, from Germany and plenty of other countries there are direct flights. Calendar for 2022 is already availalbe.