In July we did our Classic Moscow-Saint-Petersburg tour with 4 indian riders. Initially in the group we had also customers from France and Germany, USA and Canada. Because of corona most decided to move their bookings into 2022, so we did tour with 4 riders only, a kind of small private tour.
Anton and Dima were the tour guides. As always we started in Moscow with city tour with Liza, our Moscow guide. After went to Valday region, further to Saint-Petersburg, hometown of Anton. And from there through Pskov and Derbogezh we came back to Moscow.
2350 km in total, 5 riding days and 3 days for rest and excursions, 2 more days arrival and departure.
We hope in 2022 we will finally run all postponned Moscow-Saint-Petersburg tour from 2020 and 2021, there are many groups/tours already booked, just need international travelling to resume.
As of today, 25th of September, Russia resumed air connection with 55 countries, including Peru, New Zealand and several others recently. Still more to come.