Next ride report is from Georgia Motorcycle Tour.
We have been in Georgia the largest number of times this year, 7-8 tours in 2022. What can we say about Georgia? It’s all good – roads, cuisine, culture, history, nature. Perhaps one of our favorite international tours so far.
For international customers we bring bikes to Tbilisi (capital of Georgia, international airport) and start from there.
This year Georgia Tour was 10 days, next year we added one more day and now it’s 11 days long. By the way, we also made two new tours with Georgia, one is 18 days Georgia – Turkey – Armenia paved tour, and another is 14 days semi-off-road/gravel tour Georgia – East Turkey.
Below are photos from our trip to Georgia on September 11-20, 2022, enjoy watching. And join us next year for Georgia tours.